Quick, easy-to-use and stand-alone – now with DRYtelligence

This high-performance practice steam sterilizer brings the same record operating times as the almost identical Vacuklav 40 B+ Evolution. Its innovative double chamber technology means the sterilization and drying of unwrapped instruments in only 10 minutes; wrapped instruments in a Class-B program require no more than 20 minutes. Both times include fractionated pre-vacuum and drying. The intelligent drying system DRYtelligence uses especially-developed algorithms to adapt the drying to the load in order to shorten the operating times even further and save resources. The Vacuklav 41 B+ Evolution is fitted with an effective air-cooling system, making it into a true stand-alone steam sterilizer as it requires no connections other than to the electricity supply.


  • Patented double-jacket technology brings the fastest of operating times
  • DRYtelligence - intelligent drying for every loading configuration
  • Documentation, approval and traceability via XXL colour-touch display with intuitive operating interface
  • Maximum load quantity 9 kg
  • Stand-alone with effective air-cooling system
  • MELAconnect App - access the device status and program progress via the mobile app
  • Helpful video tutorials on our Multimedia channel

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