Medical equipment and supplies for hospitals, medical centres, private practices, dermatologists and other specialities.
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Supplier for all medical specializations
Examination table with hydraulic height adjustement ETS-H S-line NOVAK M
Examination table with hydraulic height adjustment ETS-E S-line NOVAK M
Examination table SL with hydraulic height adjustment ETSL-H S-line NOVAK M
Examination table with electric height adjustment ETSL-E S-line NOVAK M
Examination table with hydraulic height adjustment ETSXL-H S-line NOVAK M
Examination table with electric height adjustment ETSXL-E S-line NOVAK M
Examination table fully electric - ETSXLP S-line NOVAK M
Three-section table ETS3 S-line NOVAK M
Four-section examination table ETS4 S-line NOVAK M
Examination table Midmark Ritter 204
Examination table Midmark Ritter 224
Examination table Midmark Ritter 627
Examination table Midmark Ritter 630
Examination table DEWERT 2000 XL/H
Table d'examen DEWERT 21
Operation lamp Dr. Mach LED 150F
Operating light Dr. Mach LED 150FP
Operation light Dr. Mach LED 150
Examination light Dr Mach LED 130
Examination lamp Dr Mach LED 130F
Examination lamp Dr Mach LED 120
Examination light Dr Mach LED 120F
Examination lamp Dr Mach LED 115C
Medical stool with star base NOVAK M SZN-SZ
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