Medical equipment and supplies for hospitals, medical centres, private practices, dermatologists and other specialities.
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Terumo 2ml L-L SS*02LZ1 Ds 100 - SS*02LE1
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Terumo 5ml L-L SS*05LE1 Ds 100 - SS*05LE1
Terumo syringe 20cc Luer Lock / 50p. - SS+20L1
Terumo 10ml L-L SS-10LZ1 Ds100 - SS*10LE1
Terumo syringe Luer Lock 50CC / 25p. - SS+50L1
Insyte IV catheter 22G 0,9x25 p/50 - 381323
Insyte IV catheter BD 20G 1.16x30 p/50 - 381334
Natriumchloride 0.9% / 6 x 1000 ml - 3570160
Natriumchloride 0.9% / 10 X 500ml . - 3570130
Flat garrot latex-free 75 x 1.8 cm. ( green) (Thickness: 1 mm) / piece - 4290147
Garrot Terumo baby / stuk - Garrot
garrot 48 x 2.5cm - Clipcomed
Redovac B.Braun 400ML / 25p. - U2000700
Disposable liposuction jar Ref 65651930 (50 pieces ) - 65651930
Mini redovac 20ML CH 8 / 10 pieces - U2041003
Redons drains Oriplast ch 12 Wounddrainage / 100 pieces - 204102
Guardian Canister 3000cc / 40 stuks - 65651-230
Mini Pack redon – 150ml ( cut down connector – cross perforated / 15 stuks ) - VK00481
Intrafix B.Braun Safeset vented, I.S., 3-S.C, 205 cm, SpinLock, AirStop, PrimeStop - 4063144
Sterifix 0.2µm infusiefilter - 4099303
2 way infusion system , Set Length 175 cm - 102.0773
Probe Aspiration PVC 50cm /CH 12/ 25p - 707812235
Mandrin/Stylet Vasofix G18x45mm / 50 - 4219120
Probes 1.00 x 3.00mm, LL M/F, 150 cm. - 311.1639
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